
Violet - 2011-12-17 20:32:04
The seasons do fly by, don't they? I like your post, it's evocative as the tiny lights shining from the balconies. Best wishes for good news about your book!
siri - 2011-12-19 02:59:51
for the first time in a long long time i have peeked my head back into the world of your blog and am so glad i did. your vignettes inspire in me a renewed appreciation of the small magic and large mysteries in the quotidian, and has made me yearn to resume my former habit of blogging. thank you for writing here, still, after all these years! i often lose sight of the ability our words have to touch others, even when we write them merely for ourselves. mad props on the book and i look forward to reading it when it is (and it will be!) published.

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