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2011-01-08 - 2:05 p.m.

I'm always telling my students to get specific, and so last night went like this: a bunch of red snapper, salmon, and spicy tuna, a big Sapporo and a shot or two of warm sake. Then next door, to the basement bar. Met up with a friend from college, the one who's moving to Canada for a girl much younger than him. I drank two Pilsner Urquells and then he bought me an IPA that I did not like. We left, to get money from an ATM. I bought a pack of cigarettes from the bar. I smoked one and then when I checked my vest pocket for my hat, the hat was not there. The cigarettes were also gone. We kept moving. We drove to Rocket to Venus, the hipster bar in Hampden. Another friend bought everyone a Boh and Bullet, he called it, which is a shot of bourbon and a can of National Bohemian. Then, after a while he brought over a round of picklebacks, which is a shot of bourbon with a shot of pickle juice as a chaser. The pickle juice was better than the whiskey. And then somebody at the table tried to buy drugs.

We didn't need to go to the Ottobar but we did. The band was good. Just two guys, but they made a lot of sound, sort of math rock stuff but I was drunk and it was great. Somebody put a Yuengling in my hand and I drank some of that but when somebody said they were leaving before the last band I said, hey, you're taking me home, and he did. I slept a long time and when I woke up, my head hurt, but my mind was clear. I felt strangely holy after all of that last night. I had no reason to feel epic, but I did. I walked around the apartment thinking: my feet are four inches off the ground.

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